



據(jù)報(bào)道 奧巴馬政府對(duì)于營(yíng)利性大學(xué)向來(lái)沒(méi)有什么好感,奧巴馬一度在演講時(shí)將營(yíng)利大學(xué)稱為“敲詐者”。7月1日開(kāi)始,美教育部將正式對(duì)營(yíng)利大學(xué)嚴(yán)加監(jiān)管,達(dá)不到要求的營(yíng)利性大學(xué)將面臨迅速做出改變避免制裁,或者關(guān)門(mén)大吉兩種命運(yùn)。
  如CareerEducation Corp,納斯達(dá)克:CECO,
  The Education ManagementCorp。
  How many credits aretransferable to other schools?
  What is theschool’sgraduation rate in the program you are looking at?
  Does the school accepttransfer credits?
  How many courses do youneed to take to graduate?
  What is thestudent-faculty ratio?
  How much money does theschool spend on education materials versus recruitment andmarketing?
  What is the total costof admission, tuition, books and other fees?
  What isthe 
  average amount ofstudent loans students graduate with?
  Does the school have ajob-placement program?
  Academy of ArtUniversity
  – San Francisco,California
  Allied College
  – MarylandHeights, Missouri and Fenton, Missouri
  Allied AmericanUniversity
  – Laguna Hills,California
  American CareerCollege
  – Los Angeles,California
  American College ofEducation
  – Illinois
  AmericanInterContinental University
  – multiplelocations, a subsidiary of Career Education Corporation
  American MilitaryUniversity
  – Online
  American PublicUniversity
  – Online
  American SentinelUniversity - Online
  – multiplelocations
  – multiplelocations, a subsidiary of Education ManagementCorporation
  Arizona Summit LawSchool - a subsidiary of InfiLaw System
  The ArtInstitutes
  – multiplelocations; not to be confused with University of The Arts, asubsidiary of Education Management Corporation
  ASA College-campuses inBrooklyn, midtown Manhattan, and Miami
  – Clinton, Iowa,a subsidiary of Bridgepoint Education, includes Forbes School ofBusiness
  Ashmead College
  – multiplelocations
  ATI Enterprises-campuses in Arizona, Florida, and Texas
  Banner College
  – Arlington,Virginia
  Banner Institute
  – Chicago
  Beckfield College - asubsidiary of Quad Partners
  Berkeley College
  – New York andNew Jersey; not to be confused with University of California,Berkeley, Berklee School of Music or the Berkeley College at YaleUniversity
  Blair College
  – ColoradoSprings, Colorado
  Blue Cliff College, asubsidiary of Quad Partners
  Breckinridge School ofNursing and Health Sciences - multiple locations, a subsidiary ofITT Education
  Briarcliffe College-Long Island, NY, a subsidiary of Career EducationCorporation
  Brooks Institute ofPhotography
  – multiplelocations
  Brown College
  – MendotaHeights, Minnesota; not to be confused with Brown University inProvidence, Rhode Island
  Brown MackieCollege
  – multiplelocations, a subsidiary of Education ManagementCorporation
  Bryant & StrattonCollege
  – multiplelocations
  Bryman College
  – multiplelocations; not to be confused with The Bryman School inArizona
  Bryman Institute
  – multiplelocation
  California MiramarUniversity
  – San Diego,California (formerly known as Pacific WesternUniversity)
  Capella University -Minneapolis, Minnesota and online
  Charlotte School ofLaw- subsidiary of InfiLaw System
  The College ofWestchester
  – White Plains,New York
  Chamberlain College ofNursing- a subsidiary of Devry
  Charter College-campuses in Alaska, California, and Washington
  Colorado TechnicalUniversity
  – multiplelocations, a subsidiary of Career Education Corporation
  Columbia SouthernUniversity
  – not to beconfused with Columbia University
  Concorde CareerColleges- multiple locations
  Court ReportingInstitute- St. Louis, MO and Dallas, TX
  Daniel WebsterCollege
  – Nashua, NewHampshire, subsidiary of Devry
  Daymar College
  – multiplecampuses in Kentucky and Ohio, and online
  Deaconess College ofNursing
  – St. Louis,Missouri
  DeVry EducationGroup
  – multiplelocations, subsidiaries include Ross University School of Medicine,Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, Chamberlain Schoolof Nursing, Keller School of Management
  DigiPen Institute ofTechnology - Redmond, Washington
  Dorsey Schools- asubsidiary of Quad Partners
  ECPI University
  – formerly ECPICollege of Technology; multiple locations; includes Medical CareersInstitute multiple locations in Virginia
  Engine City TechnicalInstitute
  – SouthPlainfield, New Jersey
  Erie Business Center -Erie, PA
  – Boca Raton,Florida
  Fashion Institute ofDesign & Merchandising
  – FIDM (fourlocations in California) not to be confused with Fashion Instituteof Technology a state university in New York City
  Five TownsCollege
  – Dix Hills, NewYork
  Florida CareerCollege
  – multiplelocations
  Florida Costal Schoolof Law- Jacksonville, FL. Subsidiary of InfiLaw System
  Florida MetropolitanUniversity
  – multiplelocations
  Florida NationalUniversity - Hialeah, Florida not to be confused with Florida StateUniversity
  Full SailUniversity
  – Winter Park,Florida
  Georgia MedicalInstitute
  – multiplelocations, not to be confused with the Medical College of Georgiaat Georgia Regents University
  Gibbs College
  – multiplelocations
  GlobeUniversity/Minnesota School of Business
  – multiplelocations in Minnesota not to be confused with Carlson School ofManagement the business school of the University ofMinnesota
  Grantham University -Kansas City, Missouri
  Grand CanyonUniversity
  – Phoenix,Arizona
  Hamilton College(Iowa)
  – now part ofKaplan University; formerly operated from multiple locations inIowa and Nebraska; not to be confused with Hamilton College inClinton, New York, or with the unaccredited HamiltonUniversity
  Harris School ofBusiness
  – multiplelocations
  Harrison College(Indiana)
  – multiplelocations
  Heald College
  – based in SanFrancisco: multiple locations in California, Portland, andHonolulu
  – multiplelocations, in the process of becoming a nonprofituniversity
  – multiplelocations
  Illinois School ofHealth Centers - Chicago, Illinois
  InterCoastColleges/InterCoast Career Institute - multiplelocations
  International Academyof Design and Technology
  – multiplelocations
  ITT TechnicalInstitute
  – multiplelocations
  Kaplan College
  – multiplelocations; includes Maric Colleges and Kaplan CareerInstitutes
  – multiplelocations
  – multiplelocations, in the process of becoming a nonprofitcollege
  Kendall College
  – Chicago,Illinois
  Kitchen Academy
  – Los Angeles,California
  Le Cordon Bleu
  – multiplelocations, subsidiary of Career Education Corporation
  Lincoln Group ofSchools
  – multiplelocations not to be confused with Lincoln University
  Las VegasCollege
  – Henderson,Nevada
  Los Angeles FilmSchool
  – Los Angeles,California
  McCann School ofBusiness and Technology
  – multiplelocations
  McNally Smith Collegeof Music
  – Saint Paul,Minnesota
  Miami InternationalUniversity of Art and Design
  Mildred Elley
  – multiplelocations
  – multiplelocations
  Missouri College - asubsidiary of Career Education Corporation
  Monroe College
  – multiplelocations
  Mount WashingtonCollege
  – multiplelocations in New Hampshire
  Mountain WestCollege
  – Salt LakeCity, Utah
  National AmericanUniversity
  – multiplecampuses, including Mall of America not to be confused withAmerican University
  National College
  – multiple U.S.locations
  National Institute ofTechnology (United States)
  – multiplelocations; not to be confused with National Institutes ofTechnology in India
  National ParalegalCollege - Phoenix, Arizona
  National School ofTechnology
  – multiplelocations
  – multiplelocations
  NewSchool ofArchitecture and Design
  – San Diego,California; not to be confused with The New School
  Ohio BusinessCollege
  – multiplelocations
  Olympia Career TrainingInstitute
  – multiplelocations
  Pacific College ofOriental Medicine, a subsidiary of Quad Partners
  Parks College
  – multiplelocations
  Pennco Tech
  – multiplelocations
  Pioneer PacificCollege
  – multiplelocations in Oregon
  Pittsburgh TechnicalInstitute
  – Oakdale,Pennsylvania and Cranberry Township, Butler County,Pennsylvania
  Porter and ChesterInstitute - Connecticut, Massachusettes
  Potomac College
  – Washington,D.C. area
  Post University-Connecticut, not to be confused with C.W. Post
  – multiplelocations
  Rhodes Colleges,Inc
  – multiplelocations; not to be confused with Rhodes College
  Rochester BusinessInstitute
  – Rochester, NewYork, not to be confused with Rochester Institute ofTechnology
  Rocky Vista UniversityCollege of Osteopathic Medicine
  SAE Institute
  – formerly theSchool of Audio Engineering
  Salem InternationalUniversity
  – Salem, WestVirginia
  San Joaquin ValleyCollege
  – California,multiple locations
  – multiplelocations, subsidiary of Career Education Corporation not to beconfused with either Stanford University or SamfordUniversity
  Schiller InternationalUniversity
  – multiplelocations
  School of VisualArts
  – New YorkCity
  South College,Knoxville, Tennessee
  South University
  – multiplelocations; not to be confused with Southern University or theUniversity of the South
  Southern CareersInstitute - Texas, multiple locations
  Southern StatesUniversity, California
  Southwest FloridaCollege Tampa, Fort Myers, Port Charlotte, BonitaSprings
  Spartan College ofAeronautics and Technology Tulsa, Oklahoma
  – multiplelocations; not to be confused with Southwestern University orLincoln University
  Specs Howard School ofMedia Arts
  – Michigan
  – Kentucky,multiple locations
  – Springfield,Missouri; not to be confused with Springfield College inSpringfield, Massachusetts
  – multiplelocations
  – multiplelocations
  – Kentucky,multiple locations
  TCI College ofTechnology
  – New York City;in 2007 TCI also assumed responsibility for the closed InterboroInstitute, owned by EVCI Career Colleges HoldingCorporation[1][2]
  Tooling University,Cleveland, Ohio
  United EducationInstitute - campuses in California and Georgia
  Universal TechnicalInstitute- campuses in Arizona, California, Florida, Massachusetts,North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Texas
  University of AdvancingTechnology
  – Tempe,Arizona
  University ofPhoenix
  – multiplelocations
  University of thePotomac - Washington DC; Vienna, Virginia; online
  University of theRockies
  – ColoradoSprings, Colorado, a subsidiary of BridgepointEducation
  U.S. Career Institute -Fort Collins, Colorado
  Vet TechInstitute
  – Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania
  Virginia College
  – multiplelocations, not to be confused with the University ofVirginia
  – Minneapolis,Minnesota
  Waldorf College -Forrest City, Iowa
  West CoastUniversity
  – Los Angeles,California
  Western BusinessCollege
  – multiplelocations
  Western CareerInstitute
  – Arizona
  Western InternationalUniversity
  – multiplelocations, a subsidiary of Apollo Group
  Western StateUniversity College of Law
  – Fullerton,California not to be confused with Western GovernorsUniversity
  Westwood College
  – multiplelocations
  Anthem Career College -multiple locations in Tennessee, closed 2014
  Anthem College -multiple locations, closed in 2014
  Anthem Institute
  – formerly theChubb Institute; multiple locations, closed 2014
  Brooks College
  – California,closed in 2008
  Career Colleges ofAmerica - California, closed in 2014
  Collins College
  – Phoenix,Arizona area
  Crown College
  – Tacoma,Washington (lost accreditation in 2007 and closed)
  Everest College
  – multiplelocations, a subsidiary of Corinthian Colleges, closed2015
  – multiplelocations, a subsidiary of Corinthian Colleges, closed2015
  FastTrain College -Florida, closed in 2014 after FBI raid [3]
  Omega Institute- closedin 2014
  Kee BusinessCollege
  – multiplelocations in Virginia, subsidiary of Corinthian Colleges,Inc。
  Victory University -Memphis, Tennessee - closed in 2014
  AMA ComputerUniversity
  – Quezon City,Philippines
  Anhembi MorumbiUniversity
  – SãoPaulo, Brazil
  BPP University
  – UnitedKingdom
  College of PrintingArts





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上一篇:美國(guó)加州藝術(shù)殿堂:加州藝術(shù)學(xué)院... 下一篇:與哈佛前招生官一對(duì)一咨詢...



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