





如果 I-94 已經到期、延期還未批復,你的身份是「灰色」

讀者 Qi 問道,「在還沒有拿到官方正式通知是同意延期還是不同意延期之前,是否可以一直呆在美國?」

  • I-94 到期之后,你的合法身份(legal status)自動結束,不管是否有 pending case。
  • 不過,只要延期尚未批復,USCIS 并不認為你現(xiàn)在是非法停留( unlawful presence);這個概念下面會講。
  • 或者可以說,在移民局看來,你現(xiàn)在的身份既不合法、也不違法,處于灰色地帶。
  • 因為你的合法身份已經結束,即使你有 pending case,理論上來說國土安全部也可以驅逐你(DHS may bring a removal proceeding against you, even if you have an application for extension of status pending)。

USCIS 官網這里這里對此都有說明:

What if I file for an extension of stay on time but USCIS doesn't make a decision before my I–94 expires?

Your lawful nonimmigrant status ends, and you are out of status, when your Form I-94 expires, even if you have timely applied to extend your nonimmigrant status. Generally, as a matter of discretion, USCIS will defer any removal proceedings until after the petition is adjudicated and USCIS decides your request for extension of nonimmigrant status. Nevertheless, DHS may bring a removal proceeding against you, even if you have an application for extension of status pending.

E/H/L 等工作簽證,如果延期申請還在「pending」狀態(tài),Legal Status 過期之后還可以繼續(xù)工作最長 240 天。請注意,如果你等到 I-94 到期之后才申請延期,那么你現(xiàn)在已經是 unlawful presence。

在 I-94 過期之前離開美國

不管申請狀態(tài)如何,你都可以在 I-94 過期之前離開美國。假如你的 I-94 是到3月1日,以下3種選擇都合法:

  1. 移民局2月中旬批準了你的申請,但是你因為計劃變動已經離開了美國。
  2. 移民局2月中旬拒絕了你的申請,你在3月1日前離開了美國。
  3. 到2月底你的申請還是 pending,你不想冒風險于是在3月1日前離開了美國。



如果延期被拒、但是你如期離開了美國,上面已經說過了:沒有關系。反之,如果你的 I-94 過期的時候延期申請還在處理、最后被拒絕了,就會麻煩一些:

  • 自 I-94 過期之后,你停留的每一天都是「逾期滯留」(overstay)。舉例來說,你的 I-94 在3月1日到期,而 USCIS 直到5月1日才拒絕你的申請,你從3月1日起的每一天都是 overstay;從5月1日起的每一天都是「非法停留」(unlawful presence)。
  • 申請被拒之后需要立刻離境。當然,國際旅行不是說走就走,就算你愿意航班也不一定有座。一般來說,收到據信以后要盡快定機票安排行程,停留最好不超過2星期。
  • 你的簽證自動失效。就算你之前拿的是10年多次往返簽證,也需要重新申請。
  • 你以后必須回母國申請簽證,不能去第三國(如加拿大)申請。
  • 你再次申請簽證可能無法免面簽。你應該保留延期申請的收據和拒信,向簽證官證明,你在I-94過期之后的大部分時間只是 overstay,并不是 unlawful presence。
  • 若你在申請被拒之后還在美國非法停留很多天,你可能還需要向簽證官解釋為什么。

什么是 Overstay 和 Unlawful Presence?

上面提到了「逾期逗留」 overstay 和「非法停留」unlawful presence 兩個概念。二者的區(qū)別在于,unlawful presence 性質更嚴重、有明確的法律后果

  • 根據 INA section 212(a)(9)(B)(i),非法停留180天以上,3年內禁止入境。
  • 非法停留365天以上,10年內禁止入境(inadmissible)。
  • 然而,案件 pending 期間,即使I-94 過期也只算 overstay,不算 unlawful presence。

以上信息可參考 INA section 212(a)(9)(B)(i) 第13條,Aliens Unlawfully Present。USCIS 官網這里這里的回復也明確說了: [...] you do not accrue "unlawful presence" for purposes of inadmissibility under section 212(a)(9)(B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, while your extension of status application is pending if it was filed prior to the expiration of your Form I-94.

USCIS 在另一處也有專門解釋: As discussed in chapters 40.9.2(b)(2and 40.9.2(b)(3) of the AFM , there are situations in which an alien who is present in an unlawful status nevertheless does not accrue unlawful presence. As a matter of prosecutorial discretion, DHS may permit an alien who is present in the United States unlawfully, but who has pending an application that stops the accrual of unlawful presence, to remain in the United States while that application is pending. In this sense, the alien's remaining can be said to be "authorized." However, the fact that the alien does not accrue unlawful presence does not mean that the alien's presence in the United States is actually lawful.

USCIS 官網甚至舉了兩個例子來解釋

Example 1

An alien is admitted as a nonimmigrant, with a Form I-94 that expires on January 1, 2009. The alien remains in the United States after the Form I-94 expires. The alien's status becomes unlawful, and she begins to accrue unlawful presence, on January 2, 2009. On May 10, 2009, the alien properly files an application for adjustment of status.

The filing of the adjustment application stops the accrual of unlawful presence. But it does not "restore" the alien to a substantively lawful immigration status. She is still amenable to removal as a deportable alien under section 237(a)(1)(C) of the Act because she has remained after the expiration of her nonimmigrant admission.

Example 2

An alien is admitted as a nonimmigrant, with a Form I-94 that expires on January 1, 2009. On October 5, 2008, he properly files an application for adjustment of status. He does not, however, file any application to extend his nonimmigrant stay, which expires on January 1, 2009. The adjustment of status application is still pending on January 2, 2009.

On January 2, 2009, he becomes subject to removal as a deportable alien under section 237(a)(1)(C) of the Act because he has remained after the expiration of his nonimmigrant admission. For purposes of future inadmissibility, however, the pending adjustment application protects him from the accrual of unlawful presence.

因此,只要你在 I-94 過期之前及時提交了延期申請,哪怕 I-94 過期之后你的申請被拒絕了,也不用太擔心:你只是 overstay 而已,趕緊買機票回國就行了,不至于3年內 inadmissible。舉例來說:

  • 你的 I-94 在3月1日過期,你在1月1日提交了申請,希望延期到9月1日。
  • 移民局8月25日拒絕了你的申請;你收到據信之后,于9月1日離開美國。

因為你的延期申請被拒,所以你3月1日到9月1日都是 overstay;但是你的 unlawful presence 只是8月25-9月1日,遠遠不足180天,因此不會導致3年內 inadmissible。


Trump 上臺之后,USCIS 處理速度明顯更慢、很多案件積壓,很多人提交申請后一直 pending、甚至申請人已經回國了還沒有批復。舉例來說,I-94于3月1日到期,原定延期到6月1日;1月1日提交申請之后,case 一直 pending,到6月1日申請人已經按計劃回國了,case 還在 pending。這怎么算呢?

根據紐約(房價)的移民律師事務所 The Law Offices of Grinberg & Segal, PLLC 解釋(感謝讀者 TT 反饋并提供出處),「逾期逗留簽證失效」是因為 INA 222(g),有一些例外情形不適用,具體見下表。

逾期逗留是否適用 INA 222(g)

情形 簽證作廢?
Alien admitted until specified date; maintains status; departs by date specified. 不作廢
Alien admitted until specified date; maintains status; departs after date specified. 作廢
Alien admitted until specified date; violates status; departs by date specified. 不作廢
Alien admitted until specified date; violates status; departs by date specified, but is found by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or the Immigration Judge (IJ) to have violated status. 作廢
Alien admitted until specified date; violates status; departs after date specified. 作廢
Alien admitted until specified date; stays beyond specified date; but granted voluntary departure (V/D). 作廢
Alien admitted until specified date, found by USCIS or IJ to have violated status but is granted V/D; departs prior to both date on Form I-94, Arrival-Departure Record and date specified in V/D order. 作廢
Alien admitted for duration of status (D/S), maintains status and departs. 不作廢
Alien admitted for (D/S), violates status (not found in violation by USCIS or IJ). 不作廢
Alien admitted for (D/S), found by USCIS or IJ in violation of status. 作廢
Alien admitted for (D/S), found by USCIS or IJ in violation of status, granted voluntary departure. 作廢
Alien admitted until specified date; applies for extension or change of status within applicable time limit prior to expiration of Form I-94; remains in U.S. after date on Form I-94; and application is subsequently approved. 不作廢
Alien admitted until specified date; applies in timely fashion for extension or change of status, remains in U.S. after date on I-94 and application is subsequently denied. 作廢
Alien admitted for D/S; applies in timely fashion for extension or change of status; application is subsequently denied for reasons other than status violation. 不作廢
Alien admitted until specified date; submits a timely and non-frivolous application for extension or change of status; departs U.S. after expiration of Form I-94, but before a decision on the Form I-94 extension/change of status application. 不作廢
Alien admitted until specified date; files late application for change or extension of status; USCIS accepts late application because alien established that filing was for good cause and otherwise satisfies the requirements for retroactive application; and application is ultimately approved: 不作廢
Alien entered on Visa Waiver Program (VWP), on parole, without inspection, or otherwise without nonimmigrant visa, (NIV) regardless of whether alien overstays or violates status. 不作廢


If an alien files a timely and non-frivolous application for extension or change of status, and departs the United States after the date specified on the Form I-94 but while the application is pending, he or she will not be subject to 222(g) regardless of whether the application is ultimately approved. If the application is found to be frivolous, section 222(g) will apply.

只要你在 I-94 過期之前提交了 non-frivolous 的延期申請,并且在 case pending 期間離開,即 USCIS 尚未批準或拒絕,那么不管你離開之后 USCIS 是批準還是拒絕,都不會導致你的簽證失效。但是,如果你的申請是 frivolous,則會導致簽證失效。什么是 frivolous 呢?Merriam-Webster 解釋:“having no sound basis” -- 無理取鬧。

當然,我不知道 USCIS 如何解讀“frivolous”;只要是正常、合理的延期申請應該就沒有問題。

實際操作中,多位讀者反映(如這位這位這位):申請人提前回國,USCIS 處理的時候、看到申請人已經離境,直接按實際離境日期批準了。比如說,I-94在3月1日到期,原定申請延期到9月1日,實際7月1日提前走了,USCIS 8月1日處理,看到申請人已經于7月1日離境,于是直接批準延期到7月1日、而不是9月1日。這從側面印證:如果申請尚未批復之前離開美國,USCIS 處理的時候很可能就默認許可了。

讀者 Allen 反映,他申請延期到7月底,申請人實際上于7月初提前離開、剛一離開他們就收到了 RFE;從時間線上看,RFE 的決定很有可能是申請人離境之前作出、只不過是在離境之后他們才收到郵件通知而已。

保留 USCIS 的文件

不管是何種情形,建議申請人保留 USCIS 收據(receipt)、處理結果、以及機票等離境證明,這樣不管將來是要重新面簽,還是入境的時候 CBP 官員問起,你都有記錄,可證明你沒有 overstay、或者雖有 overstay,但是有 pending case,不屬于 unlawful presence。

B1/B2 延期待審期間是否可以申請轉成學生身份?







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