
今天給大家介紹一個來自加利福尼亞州的走讀高中——康特拉學校(Contra Costa Christian School)?堤乩扑顾綄W校擁有25年的建校歷史,涵蓋幼兒園至12年級,竭誠為來自信奉基督教家庭的學生提供優(yōu)質(zhì)教育。 我們相信每一個孩子的誕生都是上帝的圣神旨意,每一個孩子都將學有所成,為主所用。我們致力于提高學生的學業(yè)水平,幫助孩子們實現(xiàn)自己的目標,將他們打造成天國的優(yōu)秀建設者。
Contra Costa Christian has provided an outstanding education for students of Christian families from Preschool through 12th grade for over 25 years. Contra Costa Christian Schools is committed to the belief that every child is created for a noble purpose and that God's plan for its students will be realized by helping them become a vessel for His use. Contra Costa Christian is a distinctively Christian learning community committed to academic excellence preparing children of Christian families to live out their purpose as builders of God's Kingdom.
康特拉學校(Contra Costa Christian School)建校于1978年,是一所Grades Prekindergarten-12的男女合校。在校人數(shù)為238人(2015年),班級大小為14人一班,SAT平均分為1815,師生比例1:8,綜合申請錄取率98%。每年走讀學費$10,850(國際學生學費要郵件詢問),獎學金比例8%。
AP課程 (8) 包括:
Calculus AB 微積分AB
Calculus BC 微積分BC
English Language and Composition 英國語言和作文
European History 歐洲歷史
Spanish Language and Culture 西班牙語言和文化
United States History 美國歷史
English Literature and Composition 英國文學與作文
Physics 1: Algebra-Based 物理 1
Contra Costa Christian Schools is committed to the belief that every child is created for a noble purpose and that God's plan for its students will be realized by helping them become a vessel for His use. This belief can be seen in the schools' Mission Statement, Core Values and Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs). ——
Darren Price(校長)
康特拉學校(Contra Costa Christian School)
聯(lián)系電話: (925)934-4964
地址:2721 Larkey Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94597-0945
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